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Frequently Asked Questions


  • Who are we? We are Westwood Village Learning Center. We are an alternative school choice for parents and students who are looking to take their child’s education to the next level. Our classes are a mixture of Regular Education students and Exceptional Children.

  • When will school start and end? Sept 3rd School starts and May 28th School ends.

  • For our curriculum, we use a program called Flexpoint. Flexpoint allows teachers to teach students to dive into hundreds of courses. The program focuses on grades K-12 including Reading/English, Math, Social Studies/History, Science and more. An independent teacher per class.

  • Our classroom is a 10:1 ratio.

  • Our students have the choice to be completely online (virtual), hybrid (in person half the time and virtual half the time, or in person completely.

  • Will there be electives? Electives will consist of Music, Health, AI-computer and Keyboarding, Etiquette, Spanish, Art and Physical education.

  • How will I know the progress of my student? You will receive a progress report every 20 school days and a report card every 40 days of school.

  • Will there be end of year testing? All achievement testing is done in April of each school year.

  • What supplies will my child need? Students will have access to meals for lunch and optional breakfast as well as school supplies (pens, pencils, paper, markers, and Chromebook).

  • How do I communicate with the staff at the school? The school’s email and the phone number (336) 749-1476. These are the primary means of communicating with families. Also, teachers will use Class Dojo to communicate with parents directly.

  • What if my child takes medicine during school hours? Any medicine dispensed at school must be accompanied by instructions and signature from a health care provider, signed in with dosage information, time of day for dispensing, and the date range for dispensing.

  • Will my student be using technology in class? Students will be monitored under the usage of GoGuardian to ensure students stay on task during any independent work and using appropriate websites when on the computer.

  • What happens when there are school closings or delays for Inclement Weather? Whenever the school is closed due to weather conditions, emails will be provided by 6:00 am. We will go to a virtual day if school needs to close.

  • School Hours and Before/After School Care: School hours range from 9am-2pm. If a student needs to arrive earlier than 8:40 AM or stay later than 2:30 PM, there is an additional fee. Early Drop Off begins as early as 7am. Pick Up is at 6pm. Before and After School Care: $200 Before School Care: $100 monthly After School Care: $100 monthly

  • Calendar and daily schedule can be found in the handbook on our Facebook page.

  • Tuition is $7,000 a year

Here are some questions I have been asked over the last few months and I hope this helps you to understand who we are a little better.

  • Our courses, developed by subject matter experts, are backed by research-based learning theories and design models. Thanks to the hundreds of hours our curriculum development team pours into researching, planning, creating, and developing engaging digital courses, our students have 5.3% higher AP® scores than the global average.

  • Our students receive live instruction in class and one-to-one support from teachers who are accessible and communicative. Our teachers are experts at creating a learning environment that is engaging, interactive, and inclusive. There will be inhouse teacher at a ratio of 1 to 10 students. We are not using flex point teachers.

  • With convenient, 24/7 online access to more than 180 courses, our students can study anytime, anywhere. At Westwood Learning Center there will be 0 homework. We will have a few virtual days, but you still have 100% access to your teacher.

  • Kindergarten through 12th grade students across the globe turn to FlexPoint Virtual School for individualized learning and academic success. You can do online and have access to your teacher even if you’re on vacation or have a sick day.

  • Westwood Learning Center is using Flexpoint as the basis for the curriculum, but we are putting a spin on the curriculum. The teachers will give 100% of their time to teaching the lesson before the child is on the computer. One – on – one attention to the students. We will have 2 electives each day and socialization with other students in their age group. The students will not be expected to work on the computer all day. 

  • IEP’s and 504 will be honored. 

  • PE will be inside and outside just as in a public school.

  • Parent involvement is welcomed.

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